Popup 3 -hide-


{% assign: nphtxcl = NP_Heading_Text_Color %}
{% assign: nph_fs = NP_Heading_Font_Size %}

{% assign: npshtxcl = NP_Sub_Heading_Text_Color %}
{% assign: npsh_fs = NP_Sub_Heading_Font_Size %}

{% assign: npolcl = NP_Overlay_Color %}
{% assign: npcbgc = NP_Content_Background_Color %}
{% assign: npsimg = NP_Show_Image %}
{% assign: npciu = NP_Content_Image_Url %}
{% assign: npip = NP_Image_Position %}
{% assign: nprc = NP_Rounded_Corners %}

{% assign: nptif = NP_Placeholder_Text_in_Form %}

{% assign: np_btcl = NP_Button_Color %}
{% assign: np_btxcl = NP_Button_Text_Color %}
{% assign: npbfs = NP_Button_Font_Size %}
{% assign: npbt = NP_Button_Text %}

{% assign: np_sut = NP_Sign_Up_Type %}
{% assign: np_blu = NP_Button_Link_URL %}
{% assign: np_fbl = NP_Form_Button_Location %}
{% assign: npbwt = NP_Button_Width_Type %}

{% assign: Lab = 'http://themefiend.com/lab/images/' %} {% assign: l_np-img = 'newsletter-popup.jpg' %} {% capture lab_npciu %}{{ Lab }}{{ Theme_Fiend_Lab_UserName }}/{{ l_np-img }}{% endcapture %} {% assign: imgsrc = Image_Source %}
{% capture np_img %}
{% if Image_Source contains 'elf' %}{% elsif Image_Source contains 'ab' %}{% endif %}
{% endcapture %} {% capture np_txt %}
{% if npip contains 'ull' and npsimg contains 'es' %}{% if Image_Source contains 'elf' %}{% elsif Image_Source contains 'ab' %}{% endif %}{% endif %}

{{ NP_Heading_Text }}

{{ NP_Sub_Heading_Text }}

{% if np_sut contains 'utton' %}

{% endif %}

{% if np_sut contains 'orm' %}

{% if NP_Newsletter_Provider == 'CC' %}

{% endif %}
{% if NP_Newsletter_Provider == 'MC' %}

{% endif %}
{% if NP_Newsletter_Provider == 'YMLP' %}

{% endif %}
{% if NP_Newsletter_Provider == 'VR' %}

{% endif %}
{% if NP_Newsletter_Provider == 'MM' %}

{% endif %}

{% endif %}

{{ NP_Fine_Print }}

{% endcapture %} {% if npsimg contains 'o' %}{{ np_txt }}{% endif %} {% if npip contains 'ull' and npsimg contains 'es' %}{{ np_txt }}{{ np_img }}{% endif %} {% if npip contains 'alf' and npsimg contains 'es'%}{{ np_img }}{{ np_txt }}{% endif %}



{% assign etm = Enable_Test_Mode %}

{% assign: Small_Border_Radius = 3 %}{% assign: sbr = Small_Border_Radius %}{% assign: Large_Border_Radius = 5 %}{% assign: lbr = Large_Border_Radius %}

@import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family={{ NP_Heading_Font | replace: " " , "+" }}:100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900);
@import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family={{ NP_Sub_Heading_Font | replace: " " , "+" }}:100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900);
#popup_outer_wrap {box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;border:0px solid rgba(0,0,0,.1);background-color: {{ npcbgc }};display: table; width: 100%;position: relative;{% if nprc contains 'es' %}border-radius: {{ lbr }}px;{% endif %}overflow: hidden;font-size: 0px;}
#popup_inner_wrap {width:{% if npip contains 'ull' and npsimg contains 'es'%}200%{% else %}100%;{% endif %}}
#popup_outer_wrap > br {display: none;}{% if npip contains 'ull' %}.np_bg_img {position: absolute;left: 0px;top: 0px;width:auto;opacity: 0.8;filter:alpha(opacity=80)}{% endif %}
#subscribe_popup, .overlays {position:relative;display:{% if npsimg contains 'es' %}table-cell{% else %}table{% endif %}; vertical-align:middle;background-color: transparent !important;padding: 40px;box-sizing: border-box;-moz-box-sizing: border-box;{% if nprc contains 'es' %}border-radius: {{ lbr }}px !important;{% endif %}width:{% if npsimg contains 'es' %}50%;{% elsif npsimg contains 'o' %}100%;{% endif %}border: 0 none;}
#colorbox {overflow:visible !important;height:100% !important;outline: 0 none;z-index: 2147483647 !important;}
#cboxOverlay {background-color: {{ npolcl }};z-index: 2147483646 !important;}
#cboxContent {position: relative; height: 100% !important; background: none repeat scroll 0 0 transparent !important;margin-top: 0% !important;overflow: visible;}
#cboxWrapper {height: auto !important;{% if nprc contains 'es' %}border-radius: {{ lbr }}px;{% endif %}}
#cboxLoadedContent {overflow:hidden !important;height: auto !important; background: transparent !important;padding: 0;}
#cboxClose {transition: none !important;top: 15px;right: 15px;background-color: {{ np_btcl }};padding: 0px;box-sizing: border-box;-moz-box-sizing: border-box;height: 20px;width: 20px;vertical-align: middle;line-height: 100%;display: inline-block;font-size: 14px;text-align: center;text-indent: 0px;color: {{ np_btxcl }};{% if nprc contains 'es' %}border-radius: {{ sbr }}px;{% endif %}background-image: none;}
#subscribe_popup_image {height: 100%;display:table-cell;{% if npip contains 'ull' %}visibility:hidden;{% endif %}vertical-align: top;}{% if npip contains 'ull' %}#subscribe_popup_image img {width:auto;height:100%}{% endif %}
#subscribe_popup #newsletter-container form {float: left;width: 100%;margin-bottom: 0px;}
#subscribe_popup #newsletter-container {min-width:100%;width:100%}
#subscribe_popup #newsletter-form {border:none; color: initial;{% if np_fbl contains 'ight' %}float: left;{% else %}float: none;{% endif %}font-size: 12px;border: none;line-height: 100%;height: 40px;{% if nprc contains 'es' %}border-radius:{{ sbr }}px 0px 0px {{ sbr }}px;{% endif %}margin-top: 0;padding: 10px;text-transform: uppercase;width:{% if np_fbl contains 'ight' %}70%{% else %}100%{% endif %};box-sizing: border-box;-moz-box-sizing: border-box;{% if np_fbl contains 'elow' %}text-align: center;{% endif %}text-transform:initial;}
#subscribe_popup #signup-btn {float: left;font-family: {{ NP_Heading_Font }};letter-spacing:2px;border:none; background: {{ np_btcl }};border-radius: 0;color: {{ np_btxcl }};{% if nprc contains 'es' %}border-radius:0px {{ sbr }}px {{ sbr }}px 0px;{% endif %}cursor: pointer;font-size: {{ npbfs }}px;line-height:{% if np_fbl contains 'elow' %}125%{% else %}100%{% endif %};margin-left: 0;box-shadow: none;padding:{% if np_fbl contains 'ight' %}5px{% else %}8px 15px{% endif %};text-shadow: none;text-transform: uppercase;vertical-align: middle;height:{% if np_fbl contains 'ight' %}40px{% else %}auto{% endif %};width:{% if np_fbl contains 'ight' and np_sut contains 'orm' %}30%{% endif %}{% if np_fbl contains 'elow' or np_sut contains 'utton' %}{% if npbwt contains 'entral' %}auto{% elsif npbwt contains 'ull' %}100%{% endif %}{% endif %};{% if np_fbl contains 'elow' %}display:block;margin:15px auto 0px;float: none;{% endif %}-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing: border-box;}
.box-title {position:relative;font-family: {{ NP_Heading_Font }};letter-spacing:2px;text-transform: uppercase; color: {{ nphtxcl }};font-size: {{ nph_fs }}px;line-height:125%;font-weight: 400;text-align: center;margin: 0px;}
.box-tagline {position:relative;font-family: {{ NP_Sub_Heading_Font }};color: {{ npshtxcl }};font-size: {{ npsh_fs }}px;line-height:125%;text-align: center;margin: 0; font-weight: 300 !important;}
span.small-text {font-size: 10px;line-height:100%;position: relative; top: 0px; color: {{ npshtxcl }};opacity: .5;text-align: center;width: 100%;float: left;}
span.small-text a {color:{{ npshtxcl }}; text-decoration:underline !important}
span.small-text br {display: none}{% if nprc contains 'es' %}{% if np_fbl contains 'elow' or np_sut contains 'utton' %}#subscribe_popup #newsletter-form,#subscribe_popup #signup-btn{border-radius: {{ sbr }}px}{% endif %}{% endif %}
#colorbox, #cboxOverlay, #cboxWrapper {z-index:999999 !important}{% if npcbgc contains 'fff' or npcbgc contains 'hite' %}#subscribe_popup #newsletter-form {border:1px solid #000000 !important}{% endif %}
@media only screen and (max-width:767px) {#colorbox, #cboxOverlay, #cboxWrapper, #page-pu-note-container {display:none !important}}
/* Begin Extra CSS Customizations (Note: Don't leave any spaces below/above CSS lines) -----*/
#test-element {color: #000000}
/* End Extra CSS Customizations -----*/

(function($) {
// load the overlay
if (document.cookie.indexOf('visited=true') == -1) {
{% unless etm contains 'es' %}
var popupDays = 1000*60*60*24*{{ Popup_Frequency }};
var expires = new Date((new Date()).valueOf() + popupDays);
document.cookie = "visited=true;expires=" + expires.toUTCString();
{% endunless %}
setTimeout(function () {
$.colorbox({width:"{{ NP_Popup_Box_Width }}px", transition: "none", inline:true, close:"x", href:"#popup_outer_wrap"});
}, {{ Popup_Delay }}000);
